

BF Scares 3800 American Blvd. West Suite 1500 Minneapolis, MN 55431

Responsible for Content:

[Name of responsible person] [Title]

Funding Source:

BF Scares is financed through [describe funding sources, e.g., sale of products, advertising].

Website Purpose:

The purpose of this website is to [describe the website’s objective, e.g., provide information about BF Scares and its products and services, allow online shopping].


The information contained on this website is provided for informational purposes only. It should not be construed as legal, medical, or other professional advice. BF Scares is not responsible for any loss or damage that may result from the use of the information contained on this website.


The content of this website is protected by copyright. It may not be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted without the prior written permission of BF Scares.


The trademarks that appear on this website are the property of their respective owners.

Links to Other Websites:

This website may contain links to other websites. BF Scares is not responsible for the content of other websites.


BF Scares is committed to protecting the privacy of its users. We recommend you review our Privacy Policy for more information on how we collect, use, and disclose your personal information Privacy Policy.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

This website is governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota, United States of America. Any dispute arising out of or related to this website shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in the State of Minnesota.


If you have any questions about this Impressum, you can contact us at or by mail at the address listed above.